Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

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  • How Is Alimony Calculated?

    Regardless of whether you are asking for alimony or expecting to pay for it, it is important you understand what factors a judge looks at when determining how much needs to be paid. Even if you and your spouse decide to work out a compromise outside of court, you need to understand all the considerations involved in calculating pay.  Need Need is not just based on how much the alimony recipient requires to pay bills, but other factors, too.

  • 2024© Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights
    About Me
    Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

    I'll be up front: I have a criminal record. As someone who's spent lots--and lots--of time looking for a job in my life, I've gotten used to being up front with this fact. It's difficult to get hired with this on my record, and frankly, it never gets less scary to have to tell an interviewer about it. But that doesn't mean I'm unemployable. I'm a hard worker who can bring a lot to any company. And I also know what an employer needs to do for me. I know my rights. There's no federal law protecting me from discrimination due to my record, but there are plenty of state laws that make it a little easier for me. If you're looking for a job and you have a criminal record, read through this information. Protect yourself during a job search. Know your rights.