Keep These Tips In Mind When Going Through The Social Security Disability Process
The Social Security Administration maintains a program that pays out benefits to those who suffer a long-term disability. But getting approved is easier said than done. You'll want to make sure your application is as complete as possible before you send it in, and even then, the SSA might deny your initial claim or seek to get more information from you. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you navigate this process for the first time.
When The Independent Medical Examination Is Challenged
Hurt workers are entitled to benefits from their employer's workers' compensation insurance. In some cases, the worker has to undergo a special medical exam so they can continue to be eligible for benefits. This exam is unlike any other you've probably had, and the results can mean major changes in your benefits. Read on to find out more about the independent medical examination (IME) and what might happen if the result is challenged.
Attorney's Fees: What You Should Know
You never know when you will need an attorney. If you intend to buy a house or need someone to represent you in a legal matter, you need to understand just how valuable an attorney is. You may automatically assume you cannot afford an attorney. However, not all attorneys will bill clients in the same way. Here are some things you should know about attorney's fees. Fees Are Negotiable Not all attorneys will require a flat fee.
What Is A Fit Parent?
As part of your divorce case, you might need to prove that the other parent of your child is not a fit parent. If this sounds like something you want to do, you may need to draw attention to some of the dangers your child may face if your child was in the custody of the other parent. You also need to know what exactly makes somebody a fit parent versus an unfit parent.
Injured In A Slip And Fall At Your Ex-Spouse's Home? You May Have A Personal Injury Case.
You were visiting your ex-spouse and things got a little heated during an argument. Unfortunately, you slipped and fell on a floor that they just mopped and hurt yourself. They claim that you were angrily storming out of the house and that this caused your injury, but you think that they are negligent. A personal injury attorney can help you understand this situation. Slip And Fall Cases Can Be Complex