Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

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    If you are raising your grandchildren, or if you think it looks like that is a possibility in the near future, you need to understand the different custody options available to you as a grandparent. You also need to understand how your custody options affect both your rights and your grandchildren's parents' right. If you have any questions about your custody options, you need to consult with a family law attorney.

  • Three Design Issues That May Lead To Stair Injuries

    Many slip and fall accidents occur on stairs. Apart from temporary conditions such as slipperiness or litter, improper stair design also contributes to these falls. Here are some of the stair design imperfections that may cause you to slip and fall: Lack of Proper Handrails Many states or local authorities have building codes that require property owners to include handrails for their stairs. The primary function of the handrail is to provide support for holding.

  • Drinking A Little During The Holidays? Know What To Do If You're Pulled Over

    The holiday season brings many things -- including a lot of mulled wine and spiked eggnog. It's probably no surprise that the number of alcohol-related driving violations rises by more than 100% during this time of year. Partially, that's due to increased alcohol consumption during the season of good cheer. Partly, it's because the police know that there's increased alcohol consumption going on, so they put out more effort around the country to enforce DWI laws.

  • Self Representation Or Retain An Attorney? What You Should Know About Handling Your Family Law Needs

    If you live in a large city, there is likely a Self Help Legal Center available to you. Many smaller cities and most counties also have a similar organization set up to help people who wish to handle family law matters without the assistance of an attorney. It is entirely possible to represent yourself in simple matters such as an uncontested divorce or the drafting of a will or power of attorney.

  • Understanding The Truth About Two Bail Bond Myths

    Being arrested and charged with a crime is a highly stressful and dangerous experience for a person to go through. The consequences of a conviction can be life changing, which means it is critical for individuals to have the best chance of preparing an effective defense. Yet, this can be difficult to do from inside a jail cell. Fortunately, bail is an option for most individuals that have been arrested, but you might believe the following couple of notions about bail.

  • 2024© Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights
    About Me
    Applying for Jobs with a Criminal Record: Know Your Rights

    I'll be up front: I have a criminal record. As someone who's spent lots--and lots--of time looking for a job in my life, I've gotten used to being up front with this fact. It's difficult to get hired with this on my record, and frankly, it never gets less scary to have to tell an interviewer about it. But that doesn't mean I'm unemployable. I'm a hard worker who can bring a lot to any company. And I also know what an employer needs to do for me. I know my rights. There's no federal law protecting me from discrimination due to my record, but there are plenty of state laws that make it a little easier for me. If you're looking for a job and you have a criminal record, read through this information. Protect yourself during a job search. Know your rights.