The Pros And Cons Of Adding Liquor To Your Bar Or Restaurant
Getting a liquor license for your bar or restaurant can reap your business many benefits. But it is notoriously difficult to obtain a liquor license. Not only is obtaining a license a long and drawn out process, it can also be expensive. The laws and regulations are different in each state, county, and city. You should consult a lawyer before making a decision about whether or not you should apply. You should also familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of running an establishment that allows hard liquors and spirits before you decide if applying for your liquor license is worth it.
Child Custody And Transgendered Parents
The generally positive public response to the transformation of Caitlyn Jenner may embolden others who identify as a gender other that assigned to them at birth to begin a new life. However, those who are married may not face the same acceptance when they decide to change genders. The spouse may feel betrayed or deceived, or may have religious objections to an individual choosing to switch genders. Unfortunately, if the non-transgendered spouse decides to divorce, the transgendered individual may face additional hurdles in pursuing custody or even visitation rights with their children.
2 Reasons to Know the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases
Statute of limitations is a rule that refers to the amount of time a person has to file a lawsuit against another party. If you were injured in some way and want to file a personal injury lawsuit against someone else, knowing the statute of limitations in your state is important for two main reasons. You could miss the opportunity to file a claim Every state has different rules relating to the statute of limitations for lawsuits, and there is a chance that your state may have separate rules for different types of cases.
Is It Possible To Refuse A DUI Test? What Happens If You Do?
When a police officer stops you for a suspected DUI, you can be subjected to taking a test at some point to determine whether or not you are truly intoxicated. Depending on the test, you can refuse to take it, but there can be some heavy consequences to doing so. Here is what you need to know about refusing to take a test. Can You Refuse to Take a Field Test?
Three Keys To Establishing An Alibi In A Criminal Case
When you are accused of a crime, the key to your defense will be to show that that you didn't have motive, means, or opportunity to commit the crime. Poking holes in the police or prosecution's theories about any one of these key details should be enough to make a solid case for your defense. When you are trying to establish an alibi, the following three keys will help. Witnesses